Behrouz Najjari, Mohammad J. Fotuhi, Mousa Vaezipour
Theoretical and Empirical Improvement of a Fast-Switching Electro-Pneumatic Valve by using Different Methods
Shahida Rehman, Akhtar Hussain, Jamshaid Ul Rahman, Naveed Anjum, Taj Munir
Modified Laplace Based Variational Iteration Method for Mechanical Vibrations and its Applications
Andrzej Werner
Method for Enhanced Accuracy in Machining Free-Form Surfaces on CNC Milling Machines
Mohamed Ramla, Houssem Laidoudi, Mohamed Bouzit
Behaviour of a Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Helical Tube under the Influence of Thermal
Ahmad Hanan, Tariq Feroze, Awais Arif, Hasan Iftikhar, Afzaal Ahmed Khan, Sarmad Javaid
Performance Evaluation of a Single Cylinder Compressed Air Engine: An Experimental Study
Agustinus Winarno, Benidiktus T. Prayoga, Ignatius A. Hendaryanto
Linear Motion Error Evaluation of Open-Loop CNC Milling Using a Laser Interferometer
Julius Niyongabo, Yingjie Zhang, Jérémie Ndikumagenge
Bearing Fault Detection and Diagnosis Based on Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
Michał Kolankowski, Robert Piotrowski
Design of Three Control Algorithms for an Averaging Tank with Variable Filling
Piotr Jankowski
On the Nonlocal Interaction Range for Stability Of Nanobeams with Nonlinear Distribution of Material Properties
Mohamed F. Abd Alsamieh
Numerical Study of Transient Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Subjected to Sinusoidal Dynamic Loads for Rough Contact Surfaces