Leaflet Faculty of MechanicaI Engineering
The degree system is based on the three-steps structure. The graduates with majors in any of the first-cycle branches of study (engineering studies) are granted the professional title of engineer and may apply for admission to a second-cycle study programme (master’s degree), the completion of which results in the award of a master’s degree title. The best graduates may continue their education and undertake doctora I (third-cycle) studies.
Currently,there are about 1000 students at the Faculty of MechanicaI Engineering. Most of them choose to study Mechanics and Construction of Machinery (43%), Automatic Control and Robotics (21%) as well as Biomedical Engineering (18%).
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is entitled to award the degree of doctor of philosophy in three following disciplines: Mechanics (since 2005), Construction and Maintenance of Machinery (since 1989) as well as Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (since 2014). Doctora! study programmes are offered in three of these disciplines. The Faculty is also entitled to grant the degree of doctor of science in the Construction and Maintenance of Machinery (since 2006) as well as in Mechanics (since 2009). In the nearest 2 years we are planning to apply for the right to grant the degree of doctor of philosophy in Automatic Control and Robotics discipline.
For our students we offer materia I support and they may apply for the following awards and scholarships: means-tested bursary, means-tested bursary rise, rector’s scholarship for the best students, special grant for disabied students allowances, ministeria! scholarship for special achievements (5 students of the Faculty of MechanicaI Engineering were awarded this kind of scholarschip).
Detailed information concerning the university admission is disposed at the university website at: Admission