Thanks to cooperation between Bialystok University of Technology and numerous foreign universities and partner institutions (companies, enterprises and scientific research institutes) the students can participate in foreign study programmes, apprenticeships and language courses.
Currently, the students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering can go under the Erasmus programme to any of 48 foreign universities, that partnership agreements are made with. They may stay abroad for one or two semesters in the case of study abroad programme (1st, 2nd and 3rd level studies) and in the case of apprenticeship – for a maximum of 3 months.
During their stay abroad the students are granted the scholarship received by the university via the Foundation for the Development of the Education System. A foreign university does not collect any fees for the study, such as: tuition fees, exam fees or use of laboratories and libraries.
During the stay the students do not only have a chance to acquire knowledge related to their field of study, but may also improve their language skills, make new friends and get to know the culture of a foreign country.
More information and conditions of studying at BUT can be found at the website:
International Relations Office
If you are thinking of doing one or two semesters of your studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, you can choose subjects from the study programmes all taught in English.
Regulations for studies at Bialystok University of Technology