Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Automation of Manufacturing Processes

Head of the Department – Professor Ewa Pawłuszewicz, DSc, PhD, Eng.

e.pawluszewicz [at] pb.edu.pl

Department of Automation of Manufacturing Processes was established in 2023 on the basis of the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics. In turn, the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics was established on the 1st of October 2019 as the result of the implementation of new legislation on higher education and was created from the transformation of the existing Department of Automation and Robotics.

Currently, the Department employs 18 people: 4 independent research workers, 5 assistant professors, 2 assistants, 2 engineering and technical employees. There are also 5 PhD students in the Department.

Research and scientific profile

The scientific and research activity of the Department of Automation Manufacturing Processes focuses on the following directions:

  • energy harvesting systems from vibrations of selected mechanical structures
  • control methods of vibration of mechanical systems;
  • applications of piezoelectrics in dynamic systems;
  • algorithms on the movement of swarms of mobile robots (both wheeled and flying), also exploring and recognizing robots’ unfamiliar surroundings;
  • algorithms on autonomous avoidance of obstacles by mobile robots;
  • design and implementation of mechatronic drives;
  • control systems of non-uniform time domains and fractional order;
  • diagnostic tests of gas turbine blades;
  • mechatronic ropeless multi-cabin elevator system for vertical and horizontal transport and in two directions simultaneously in a closed or partially open shaft;
  • research on electromagnetic and kinetic launchers for unmanned aerial vehicles,
  • diagnosing leaks from liquid transmission pipelines and water networks.

As part of their teaching activities, the researches and teachers in  Department conduct classes in the field of broadly understood control system theory, automation and PLC systems, robotics, electrical engineering and electronics, embedded systems and programming languages, as well as real-time operating systems and techniques of fast prototyping.

There are also lectures, classes, laboratories for forigner students.

Student research clubs operate at the Department:

  1. Mechatronix Club (supervisor: Mirosław Kondratiuk, PhD, Eng)
Scientific and didactic employees
Name and surname
Professor Ewa Pawłuszewicz, DSc, PhD, Eng. 315 571-443-063 e.pawluszewicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Krzysztof Kamil Żur, DSc, Phd, Eng. 336 503-539-352 k.zur[at]pb.edu.pl
Ambroziak Leszek, Phd, Eng. 317 571-443-041    l.ambroziak[at]pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Koszewnik Andrzej Piotr, DSc, Phd, Eng. 316 571-443-052 a.koszewnik[at]pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Kownacki Cezary, DSc, Phd, Eng. 306 571-443-054 c.kownacki[at]pb.edu.pl
Bogdan Mariusz, Phd, Eng. 306 571-443-043    m.bogdan[at]pb.edu.pl
Huścio Tomasz, Phd, Eng. 312 571-443-047    t.huscio[at]pb.edu.pl
Kondratiuk Mirosław, Phd, Eng. 317 571-443-051    m.kondratiuk[at]pb.edu.pl
Ostapkowicz Paweł Dariusz, Phd, Eng. 319 571-443-060    p.ostapkowicz[at]pb.edu.pl
Augustyniak Jakub, Phd, Eng. 312 503-737-627 j.augustyniak[at]pb.edu.pl
Bartoszewicz Błażej, MA, Eng. 311 508-362-087 b.bartoszewicz[at]doktoranci.pb.edu.pl
Bożko Arkadiusz, MA, Eng. 313   arkadiusz.bozkoat]doktoranci.pb.edu.pl
Engineering And Technical Staff
Name and surname
Leoniuk Marek, MA, Eng.      
Sienkiewicz Tomasz, MA, Eng. 402 797-995-902 t.sienkiewicz[at]pb.edu.pl
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